Monday, January 5, 2009


Money.Everyone loves money. Definitely. The people who don't have it, want it. The people who already have it, want more of it. You can't deny it's importance too. For food, clothes, housing, cars, leisure, shopping, marriage....just to name a few.

But everyone can't deny the dangers as well. People wage wars using money. A certain country (Country I) with a certain financial backing (Country A) is now trespassing on the grounds of a certain country (Country P). Country I has tanks, rockets, weapons, u name it, due to the backing of country A. The people of country P, are helpless, while being driven out of their own land, staying on something less than what we now call a country. Money has also the ability of recessing the economy. By nature, if the leakages are more than the injections, (money in is less than money out), the economy may be aiming for a recession. (A recession may be good, depends on the current state of the economy).

But bear in mind, money trading was the dominant cause in the recession of '97. (remember Mr Soros). Money is also the source of buying drugs, which then lead to junkies breaking cars and stealing radios and such just to get money to fund their addiction. Money also accelerates the 'escort' industry. In country T, the prostitution industry is said to be an important contributor to the economy. But what about the deseases, the morality, the value and honour?? Is it worth compromising all of that for money? Money is also the source of buying 'self-destruction' products. Think about alcohol, then think about the number of people dead on the streets because of drunk driving. Think about alcohol, and think about the number of people dead in alcohol-fueled street brawls, the number of teenagers binge drinking. Think about John Bonham, who died due to 16 shots of Vodka. Think about Bon Scott, who died due to axphisiation (choked on his own vomit). Think about smoking, and what smoking does to the lungs, to the heart. How many people die early due to smoking, and how many people live longer when they don't. Think about corruption, and the countries that are low on the index of Transparency International. Think about country I (In Asia), country M (also in Asia), country R (A slovakian country).

So money money money, ain't it funny?

When you think about it properly, who is actually to blame. We can't live without money, as termed by a peer of mine, it's a neccessary evil, or something like that. But the big picture of all this is how we use money, and how money can change a person, a country, a group, a business, an organization, a world.

Let's look at it in a small scale.

I know a friend of mine, who has money like the rest of us. He gets monthly income, like most of his friends who are also studying. Yet he does not use his money wisely. He spends too much on phone credit, making international calls. Always close to 300+ per month (according to sources). On eating and other expenditure, its also a bit overblown. This friend of mine loves to buy luxuries (games etc) which are not really necessities. Due to this weakness in avoiding the temptation of money, it starts to get worse. He starts borrowing from people (I hope it's borrowing, not taking money). He has unpaid rent, unpaid bills, and yet the lifestyle does not change much. After much urge from people, only then he starts to see this bad side of temptation. I hope he will mend his ways and pay his debts, and repair the relationship with his friends..Aminn.

What about marrige? Although I agree that the 'hantaran' is important in terms of finance and uphoding the 'adat', why must it be too high? Why must it be lower than the maskahwin. The maskahwin is for the bride, and it is Wajib in the name of God. Sometimes I think the 'hantaran' could be so high, that it can demotivate the groom to marry. Sure, the hantaran is an indicator of prosperity, as well as readiness to take care of the bride and the family. But then, how long do we have to work in order to pay that kind of money? It's okay if the money comes from his work. What if he starts borrowing from people. Or worse still, from loan sharks. I'm not saying that the 'hantaran' is bad, I'm just saying that it may be time for the number to be revised, so to fit the paycheck of the groom more readily. Help the situation, and don't make the financial problems worse.

Another story. A good family member of mine (Mr S) was talking to his friend, (Mr K) when then the issue of financial matters came up. Mr S, Alhamdulillah has his children getting scholarships for further study, which helps him a lot in terms of finance. Mr K however, had to fork up quite a figure to further his son's study. However, the thing that bothers me most is when Mr K tells Mr S: "You don't know how it feels, forking up money to pay for your son's education. Your son has a scholarship. You think it's easy ka??". Now when I first heard he story, I was thinking "This guy is bloody arrogant. So now it's wrong to get a scholarship??". Come on. Is Mr S to blame because his son has a scholarship and he does not need to fork out much money for his son's study? Is Mr K the hero for doing what he does? Look at the other side of the globe mann. If your son got the bloody scholarship, would you be saying the same bloody thing? If you didn't have the money, what are you complaining about? Go send your son somewhere where it does not need too much money. What about IPTA? What about Polytech?

This is another danger of money, in that it can rapidly change the personality of men, due to the power it gives and the temptation it presents.

In my view, whatever the size of the paycheck is, does it matter if the value, the morality and the attitude is compromised? Think about people in high places who have a big paycheck, but are involved in graft, corruption and bribery. Think about the people who live in dirty money, where the high figures involved had erased all sense of dignity and guilt. In the small scale? Think about people who borrow from friends, to fund their luxuries. Think about junkies, who steal to fund their addiction. Think about desperation, and the 'escorts' who resort to it. Think about guilt, and the lack of it so that people can steal money from others. ATM machines are being stolen, why? Human traficking is on high. Why? Corruption in countries. Why? Waging wars on innocent people. Civilians killed. Why? Drugs being traficked. Why? why? why?

Sure money is good. Think also about the charities. Think about people in high places who have money and donates to charity. Think about trust funds, and how it helps people. Think about flash funds, to help flood victims in Aceh, to help civilians in Palestine. Yes, money is good, important, but with every good man-made thing there comes a balanced evil that can come out of it.

So the issue? It's not money. It's the people. It's how people use money. It's how money can change people's lives, their perspective, their point of view. It's the failure to realize the responsibility of using money, that leads to the misgivings of men. So readers, decide. If you have money, ask yourself if you realize the responsibilty bestowed in using them. If money worsens you, control your perspectives. If money improves you, Alhamdulillah. If you can better your lifestyle without compromising the values and attitudes in life, by all means please step up your lifestyle. Remember the past, and what can happen if we don't take note. Use money wisely, and realize. With money, comes power, and with power, comes great responsibility.

1 comment:

Haneesa said...

well, tol tinggi nak buat camna????