- This world is not ideal, and it will never be. I will try to expand on this later on. The ideal situation is that everyone is good, and people are righteous, and laws are fair, and money is good. Bullshit. The world is never ideal, and it will never be. It is only ideal to some extent, which is in terms of religion, in which the word of God is the most truthful of all.
- Humans are smart, and ingeniously clever. And in this cleverness, comes a lot of good and bad arts.
- Like for example, the Art of Deception. I think in the action of benefiting oneself, this art has been born and perfected over the years, in ways unimaginable. It will continue to thrive, until all thread of truth is covered under all the lies and deceit.
- Humans live, and will continue to keep living, based on charisma and power. Preferential treatment are given to those of high power, because, well, they have power. People will only listen to charismatic figures, and will continue to ignore, those deemed to be low in such aspect.
- No matter how harmonious, there will always be some kind of contempt.
- ..and with contempt, comes the reputations and perspectives with it.
- Life is not ideal. It is real. And in reality, it is cruel. We can't solve this problem. We only deal with it.
- ..and in dealing with it, we have to lie and be cruel as well. Survival depends on it. (Shit kann?)
- And trusting people becomes hard, because everyone is lying. Its all part of the game.
- The intention of people working is based on their personal gains. Even if character is compromised.
- People will hate living, because life is so fake, and death seems the easy way out.
- To love and trust is hard, because there are always conditions, and strings attached.
- In fact, there will be a time where there is a string attached to everything. Every motive is underlying. Every real intention is concealed. On the surface of every deed is good. In reality, it all has an underlying motive.
- Power will be an increasingly used, both as motive and tool. War for power. And power for more wars.
- ..and to gain power, is to master the art of speech and the art of making money.
- The love for money, had always been rife, and will always be, and to some extent that it could be a passion worth dying for.
(will update is necessary)
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