There are two large classifications of people in this world.
The Dicks and the Nices.
The dicks are well, dicks. They are the bad guys.
The nics, are nice. They are the nice guys. The good guys.
The ideal world consist of six billion nices, as opposed to six billion dicks.
But given the way the world is run until today, the proportion seems to get unbalanced somehow.
Seems like the Dicks are finally outgrowing the Nics.
Well, evil presidents are Dicks. They have a lot of inside jobs. They go for war. They conspire things.
Political parties that contend for the sake of political glory rather than the benefits of the people are dicks. They live for glory, but they lack the important substance of a man.
The sex industry is sprouting like mushrooms after the rain it seems. Every country has a brothel. Pubs, strip joints, and brothels are getting increasingly popular across the globe. Women are actually willing to work in this industry.
The drinking of the devil's piss, or alcohol, is getting increasingly popular these days. Friday nights are used for drinking the whole night long and the following Saturday is hangover day.
So, where are the nices? What happened to them?
Either they are joining the Dicks, or they are simply diminishing such that what they do is no longer significant in this world.
Given the circumstances, what choice do they have?
The dicks, being the dicks that they are, have a certain appeal to them. The control businesses., and in turn sontrol the trust of the general population. When they do, the nics are left far behind. So how are these nice guys going to live?
The dicks are clever. They push people in a corner and become sharks to bully people into becoming one of them.
That is why their power and influence is so great in this world. Increasing numbers and appeal.
So in the end the question remains. If these two herds cannot live together, who will emerge as the better side?
That, is the dillema in this world of Dicks and Nics
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